Home > Reseller Manual > General > Domains > Adding a Website
Adding a Website
To add a website:
- Log on to HC panel.
- From the left menu click General, and then Domains.
My Websites page is displayed.
- Click Add Website.
The Add Website page is displayed.
- Specify General Information:
- Website Name: Type name of the website.
- Owner Name: Select name of the owner from the drop-down list box.
- Advanced Settings: Click Configure to specify advance level settings.
- Allow Anonymous: Click any of the given option as required.
![](images/pageicon_star.png) |
Click Yes/No to enable/disable the anonymous access respectively. It allows anyone to access the website without asking for a user name or password. By default anonymous access is ON. |
- Integrated Windows Authentication: Click any of the given option as required.
![](images/pageicon_star.png) |
Click Yes/No to enable/disable the Integrated Windows Authentication. |
- Access Permissions: Select any or all of the check boxes as required.
![](images/pageicon_star.png) |
Selecting the Read check box, the sites can only be displayed by the browsers. |
![](images/pageicon_star.png) |
Selecting the Write check box, the sites can be modified by the browsers. |
![](images/pageicon_star.png) |
Selecting the Directory Browsing check box, the sites with directory browsing access, displays the directory structure to browsers. |
![](images/pageicon_star.png) |
Selecting the FrontPage Extensions check box, the sites with FrontPage Extensions are displayed in the browsers. |
- Execute Permissions: Select required permission from the drop-down list box.
- Enable Default Document: Select the check box to enable the default document like default.html, default.asp etc.
- Specify Website Settings:
- Website Type: Select the type of website from the drop-down list box.
- PHP: Select the checkbox Enable to enable the respective scripting language for the website.
- Perl: Select the checkbox Enable to enable the respective scripting language for the website.
- .Net Framework: Select the checkbox Enable to enable the .NET framework for the website.
- Statistics Sites: Select the checkbox Enable to enable the statistics for the website.
- FTP User: Select the checkbox Enable to enable FTP User for the website.
- Specify DNS Settings:
- DNS Zones: Select the checkbox Enable to enable the DNS zones for the website.
- Specify Mail Settings:
- Mail Domains: Select the checkbox Enable to enable the mail domains for the website.
- Click Next.
The User/Plan Information tab is displayed.
![](images/Pending%20Comments.gif) |
In case Violated is written in front of any plan item, you can remove this violation via Quota Violation Removal Options. You can either sell Plan or Add-On to solve the violation problem.
- Specify User Information:
- Login Name: Type user name.
- Login Password: Type password.
![](images/Pending%20Comments.gif) |
- Click Generate Password to automatically generate password.
- Click Show Characters check box to view password characters.
- Confirm Password: Re-type password.
- First Name: Type first name.
- Last Name: Type last name.
- Email Address: Type email address of the user.
- Description: Type brief description.
- Specify Hosting Plan Information:
- Sell This Plan: Select plan from the drop-down list box.
- Specify Mail Server Information:
- Mail Server Type: Select mail server from the drop-down list box.
![](images/Pending%20Comments.gif) |
If you selected Mail Server Type as Exchange Server, then select Exchange Mailbox Database from the drop-down list box.
- Click Next.
The Mailbox Details tab is displayed.
- Specify Mailbox Details:
- Default Mailbox: Type mailbox name.
![](images/Pending%20Comments.gif) |
Click [Default Mailbox] to use default mailbox settings.
- Password: Type password.
- Confirm Password: Re-type password.
- Specify Advance Settings:
- Advanced Features: Specify advance features for the mailbox.
- Hide From Address Book: Select the check box to not make it visible in the address book.
- Disable Mailbox: Select the check box to disable the mailbox being added.
- Protocol Settings: Select protocol settings for the mailbox.
- Mailbox Size (MB): Type size of the mailbox.
- Unlimited: Select the check box to set indefinite size limit for the mailbox.
- Click Next.
The FTP User Details tab is displayed.
- Specify FTP User Details:
- Login Name: Type name of the FTP User.
- Login Passwrod: Type password of the FTP User.
- Confirm Password: Re-type password.
- Description: Type brief description of the FTP User.
- Click Next.
The Virtual Directory/IP Config tab is displayed.
- Specify following information:
- Website to Create Temporary Virtual Directory: Select website from the drop-down list box.
- IP Less Domain IP: Select IP less domain IP from the drop-down list box.
- Click Add Website.
The website is added.
See also