Home > Getting Started > System Requirements
System Requirements
Minimum system requirements for HC8 are listed on this page. However we recommend you to get better server exceeding these minimum requirements. In case of any confusion you should consult HC support team and get their expert advice.
Windows Server
- Any edition of Windows Server 2003 or 2008 either x86 or x64.
- Hosting Controller uses SQL Server to host its database. You may use any edition of SQL Server 2005 or 2008. SQL Server Express edition is free and can be downloaded from Microsoft website: http://www.microsoft.com/express/sql/download/.
- IIS6 or IIS7 must be installed on web servers.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or above.
- HC8 Windows License.
Linux Server
- Any GNU/Linux OS like CentOS, Debian, SuSE, Fedora, Ubuntu CloudLinux or Redhat.
- Apache must be installed on Web Servers.
- HC8 Linux License.
Windows Server
- Any typical Pentium 4 or higher server with minimum 1GB RAM and 40GB shared hard drive should be reasonable to start with.
- Local or Remote Desktop access with administrative rights to install the software and manage the server.
- Must have at least one dedicated IP address assigned to server.
Linux Server
- x86, x86_64, IA64, ARM, and other CPU architectures.
- For servers with DNS roles, a supported DNS Server should be installed from the list of HC supported software for DNS.
- For servers with Mail roles, a supported Mail Server should be installed from the list of HC supported software for Mail.
- HC supports a distributed environment. Service providers can use their Web, Mail, DNS and Database servers on separate servers including Linux systems. However you may choose to run all services from single server as well.
- Your server must be connected to the internet so it can communicate with HC activation server.
See also