Home > Reseller Manual > Hosting Services > Manage Virtualization > Adding a Virtual Machine
Adding a Virtual Machine
To add a virtual machine:
- Log on to HC9 panel.
- From the left menu click Hosting Services, and then Manage Virtualization.
A drop-down displays.
- Click Add Virtual Machine.
The Add Virtual Machine page displays.
- Specify the General Information:
- Virtual Machine Name: Type name of the machine to be created.
- Description: Type brief description of the machine.
Administrator Name: It shows name of the machine administrator. |
- Administrator Password: Type password for the machine administrator.
- Confirm Password: Re-type password for the machine.
- Owner Name: Select owner of the machine from the drop-down list box.
![](images/PrototypeTheme/notepad-new.png) |
Select Webadmin as virtual machine owner. You can create a new user if required. To create a new user as machine owner, select Create New User from the drop-down list box. |
- Specify the OS Template Information:
- OS Template: Select an OS template for the machine from the drop-down list box.
- Specify the Virtual Machine Settings:
- CPU Cores: Select number of CPU cores to allocate to the machine from the drop-down list box.
- RAM Size: Type the size of the RAM.
- Virtual Hard Disk Size: Type the size of the Hard Disk.
- Number of Snapshots: Type number of snapshots to be added for the machine.
- External Network: Select to enable the external network.
- Number of External IPs: Type number of external IPs to be added for the machine.
- Internal Network: Select to enable the internal network.
- Number of Internal IPs: Type number of internal IPs to be added for the machine.
- Click Next.
The Virtual Machine Summary page is displayed.
Virtual Machine Summary: This page shows detailed information of the machine being created. |
![](images/PrototypeTheme/notepad-new.png) |
If in the previous step, selection for Virtualization Machine Owner is Create New User then Plan Information page is displayed instead of Virtual Machine Summary page. |
![](images/PrototypeTheme/notepad-new.png) |
Specify following information, if the Plan Information page is displayed and click Next.
User Information:
- Login Name: Type name of the new machine owner to be created.
- Login Password: Type password of the new machine owner.
- Confirm Password: Re-type password of the new machine owner.
- First Name: Type the first name of the machine owner.
- Last Name: Type the last name of the machine owner.
- Email Address: Type the email address of the machine owner.
- Description: Type a brief description of the machine owner.
Hosting Plan Information:
- Sell this Plan: Select a hosting plan from the drop-down list box.
- Click Create Virtual Machine.
The Virtual Machine is added.
See also