Home > Host Manual > Panel Configuration > Customer Settings > Managing IP Addresses

Managing IP Addresses

To manage IP addresses:
  1. Log on to hc9 panel.
  2. From the left menu click Panel Configuration, and then Customer Settings.
    A drop-down displays.
  3. Click IP Address Manager.
    The IP Address Manager page displays.
  4. Click the Select Reseller arrow and select the reseller from the drop-down list box.
  5. Click Next.
    The IP Address Manager page is displayed.

    Following information is displayed:

    Allocated IP Address: It is the assigned IP address of the selected reseller.
    User Name: It is name of the reseller.
    Server Name: It is name of the reseller's server.
    Action: It is the allowed action. To delete the IP address, click Remove.

  6. Under Select Server click the Server Name arrow and select server for the selected reseller.
  7. Under Select IP Address(s), select the required address check boxes and click Add IP Address(s).
    The IP address is allocated to the selected reseller.

See also

Configuring General Settings
Configuring Name-IP Based Settings
Configuring Menu Options
Configuring Load Balancer Settings
Configuring App Pool Settings