Home > Reseller Manual > Panel Configuration > Configure Services > Configuring Mail Delivery Settings

Configuring Mail Delivery Settings

To configure mail delivery settings:

  1. Log on to hc9 panel.
  2. From the left menu click Panel Configuration, and then Configure Services.
    A drop-down displays.
  3. Click Mail Delivery Settings.
    The Mail Delivery Settings page displays.
  4. Specify Mail Delivery Settings:

  5. In case of SMTP Delivery method, specify the following information:
  6. In case of Direct Delivery method, specify the following information:
  7. Click Save Settings.
    The Mail Delivery Settings are configured.

See also

Configuring Web Server
Configuring DNS
Configuring Display Settings
Managing Email Templates
Mail Settings
Configuring Disk Usage Settings
Configuring Bandwidth Usage Settings
Configuring Log Rotation
Managing Custom Menus
Enabling Auto Script